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1.I brought my receipt . 今天把收据带来了。2.They brought some meat and some bread . 他们带来了一些肉和面包。3.Time , the best physician of th1)brought[英][br?:t][美][br?t]带来英文短句/例句1.At Birth we Bring nothing; at death we take away nothing生不带来,死不带去2.Looking backward brings nothing but

brought A:Guess what I’ve brought for you. 猜猜我买了什么给你。B:Oh, a bouquet of flowers. It’s very kind of you. 哦,一束花。你真是太好了。brought的近义词A:I文档简介brought造句简单小学Ibroughtmyreceipt.今天把收据带来了。2、Theybroughtsomemeatandsomebread.他们带来了一些肉和面包。Time,thebestphysicianofth

单词brought 例句大全,用单词brought造句:broughtforward account 前期滚存帐户The bossbroughther to account. 老板责备了她。Ibroughtit aboard the ship myself. 我买brought造句1. I brought my own lunch to work today. 2. She brought her dog to the park for a walk. 3. He brought his guitar to the party and played some songs. 4

1.I brought my receipt . 今天把收据带来了. 2.They brought some meat and some bread . 他们带来了一些肉和面包. 3.Time ,the best physician of the mind ,at length broThe smoke brought tears to my eyes. 我被烟熏得直流眼泪. 《现代汉英综合大词典》A quietly efficient manservant brought them coffee and brandy. 一个不起眼而能干的男

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