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hair汉语意思,hair是什么意思 翻译


嘿儿hair是什么意思,hair怎么读语音:英音[heə(r)] 美音[hɛr] hair 基本解释n.头发,毛发;动、植物的)毛;一丝丝,些微;毛发织物hair 变化形式复数:hairs 易混淆的单词:HAIRHair

hair头发英[[heər]] 美[[her]] n. 头发;毛发;些微复数:hairs 考点分布:中考高考CET4 CET6 考研近义词capello -头发poil -[解剖]毛发中考n.头发高考n.头发CE“hair”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 名词n. 1. 毛发;兽毛[C][U] The horse has a fine coat of hair. 这匹马长了一身好毛。2. 头发[U][C] There are a few hair

hair [hεə] 重复播放n. 头发,毛发,毛状物,绒毛,些微英文解释名词:1. dense growth of hairs covering the body or parts of it (as on the human head); helps prehair hair: [OE] No general Indo-European term for ‘hair’has come down to us. All the ‘hair’words in modern European languages are descended from terms for particular types of h

o(╯□╰)o hair音标[hєә] 读音汉语翻译n. 头发,毛发,些微【医】毛,发相关词组:by a hair comb sb's hair for him do one's hair do up one's hair hang by a hair keep one's hhair:复数:hairsn.毛发;尤指)头发;有…毛发(或头发)的;植物叶茎上的)茸毛扩展资料I like the way you've done your hair. 我喜欢你梳的发式。What a diffe

"hairs" 汉语翻译volume_up hairs{复} CN volume_up 毛绒volume_up hair{名词} CN volume_up 些微头发毛毛发毛状物汗毛绒毛volume_up Haire{专有名词} CN volume_uphair 只作名词意思是头发;毛发;极少量。例句:Ill have my hair trimmed tomorrow.明天我要修剪头发。扩展资料hair, fur, skin 这组词的意思并不相同:hair 的'意思是“头发

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