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by nature造句,定语从句造句


By nature;inherently.天然地;天生地An event inexplicable by the laws of nature;a miracle.奇迹自然规律无法解释的事实;奇迹He is cold-blooded by natur12、The human organism learns partlyby nature, partly by nurture. 13、He was a lonerby natureand by inclination. 14、If then there are slavesby natu

1.through inherent nature 网络释义by nature 天生的,生来;生性,本性上;天生,就其本性而言;生来;by very nature 就其本性而言;天然地;by their nature 性质而言;byby nature 天生地;生性例句:She is very sensitive by nature. 她生性很敏感。These latest findings support the thesis that sexuality is determined by nature rathe

created by nature造句1、Such large mud pancakes are created by nature. 2、A woman's waist is heavy, her abdomen is fat, and she looks like a man. Sh副词by nature: through inherent nature 同义词:naturally 例句:Evilby natureand in practice. *的,缺德的本性和实际* 的He is endowed with a gift in musicby nature

He was a loner by nature and by inclination. 他天性不喜交际,且自己也无意于此。网络扩展资料by nature是一个短语,其中by是一个介词,nature是一个名词。这个短语的意思He was very generous by nature. 他生性慷慨大方。Though he was quarrelsome by nature and often stubborn and hard, he was always gentle with children. 虽然他生性急

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