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本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!文献出处:CooperscenicspotWeChatmarketingunderwemedia[J].Tourismmanagement,2017,557-571专业英语翻译官The Sublime and Intimate Delights of Antalya 安塔利亚——美不胜收,引人入胜。An international tourism destination, Antalya is a city of national wonders a

tourism 音标['tuәrizm] 读音汉语翻译n. 观光业,游览【经】旅游业英语解释:名词tourism: the business of providing services to tourists 同义词:touristry 例句:T“tourism”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 名词n. 1. 旅游,观光2. 旅游业,观光业

Guests from all over the country, many new hotels are under construction, and tourism now accounts for a part of the island's revenue. 中文翻译:近年来,海南岛的旅游越来成就;成就;优点和成就圣女贞德圣女贞德(法国民族女英雄) 伊丽莎白弗莱伊丽莎白middot油炸(英国慈善家) 贵格会n .贵格会;贵格会成员福利;福利;福利项目[项

●ω● "see under for further discussion" 【under相关词】asunder adv. <文>分开地;分离地;成数部分(或数块);化为碎片;backgrounder n. 政府官员举行的记者招待会under的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义prep.(介词) 少于,低于,未满,小于,不足根据,按照由于,因为在…下面,在下方在…过程中在里面在的管

∩▽∩ Tourism is Britain's single biggest invisible export 旅游业是英国最大的一项无形输出。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》7 The revenue from tourism is the biggest In a place such as a sea, river, or swimming pool, if someone or something is under the water, they are fully in the water and covered by it. e.g. They said he'd been h

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