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be shocked at造句,用despite造句


be shocked at造句简单标题:被震惊的感觉真好正文:我曾经是一个很容易感到震惊的人,每当听到一些惊人的消息或者看到一些感人的场景时,我都会不由自主地感到震惊。这种感受对…感到震惊点击金山快译,了解更多人工释义实用场景例句全部Police : ( Be shocked at ) ( startled forms ) oh, even more than what I earned! 大姐大:( 吃惊状)

╯▽╰ 解析The world will be shocked at how we are using an existing engine with new art.世界将被我们仅仅使用现有引擎和新的美工所制造的成果震撼.You'd be shocked at how We were shocked at the good news.我们被这个好消息感动了

答案:对…感到震惊.根据短语be shocked at可知这是形容词短语"对…感到震惊",例如:They were shocked at the news that 10 people died in the accident.他们对10人死于事故双语例句1.Beshockedathis shooting at the shopkeeper 对于他开枪瞄准店主感到震惊2. If you could see it you wouldbeshockedathow deeply red it is beginning to look. 如果

12、Man would beshocked atwhat recessive genes lie in wait in his genetics, waiting to express themselves. 13、When a relative attended one of my Dhbe shocked at 对…感到震惊例句:You will be shocked at how much you can tighten your prose without losing anything. 你会惊讶于没有任何损失的情况下文章能瘦身那么

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