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26、The moon peeped out frombehindthe clouds.1. Lucy had strung a banner across the wall saying "Welcome Home Daddy". 露西在墙上挂了一条横幅,上面写着“欢迎爸爸回家”。2. The child kept her eyes fixed on the wall

42、behindthetree,thereisacat.树后面有一只猫。43、She'sbehindhermother.她在她母亲的后边。44、Heisneverbehindwith[in]hiswork.他从不拖拉。45、二、16、【behind】Myhomeisbehindtheschool.我家在学校后面。17、Shesoonfellbehindtheleaders. 18、留)在原处;遗留)在后Bothofthemstayedbehind.他们两个留下

Behind 造句简单小学1、The boy is standing behind the tree. 这个男孩站在树后面。2、We are right behind you. 我们正在你身后。3、He was walking behind me. 他在我1、Who is the girl standing behind Richard?站在理查德后面的那个姑娘是谁?2、The train was 10 minutes behind

一起来看一下behind在这里的用法。。栗子:What'sbehindthat happy smile? “为什么会笑的辣么开心”笑的开心的背后原因是什么?用behind来造句,杠杠的准确和地道。2. He was thebehind最简单造句1. She left the room and shut the door behind her. 2. He walked briskly, leaving me behind in the dust. 3. A horse pulled a wagon behind it. 4. S

He is sitting beside me.14、Thelittlecatisbehindthechair.小猫在凳子后边。15、He'sbehindthetree.他在树的后边。16、There'saduckbehindthedoor. 17、behindthetree,thereisacat

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《behind造句简单小学,用above造句四年级》
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