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daytime,the daytime


≥ω≤ daytime: n. 白天day n. 一天time n. 时短语搭配1. in the daytime 在白天;在白昼双语例句1. The owls are sleeping in (the)daytime. 猫头鹰白天睡觉。2. I am exhaudaytime sensitivity白昼灵敏度daytime stream白昼流星群daytime train白昼流星余迹相似单词daytimen. 1.白天,日间最新单词carbofrax的中文意思碳化硅;金刚硅砖料car

daytime音标['deitaim] 读音汉语翻译n. 白天,日间英语解释:名词daytime: the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside 同义词:day, daylight 例网络释义daytime 显示所有例句n. 1. 白天;白昼;日间the period during the day between the time when it gets light and the time when it gets dark 例句释义:全部,白

daytime 扩展词汇英['deɪtaɪm]美['deɪtaɪm] n.白天;日间Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计白天日间daytime的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在daytime 相关工具书解释·新课标中学英语惯用法辞典·实用典故小辞典·新课标中学生实用文言文词·中学古诗文基本词汇·新编学生同义反义词典n. 白天(1) daytime可写成day-

Daytimetemperatures never fell below 80˚F. 白天的温度从未低于80华氏度。牛津词典Please give your name anddaytimephone number. 请提供姓名和日间联络电话。牛津词daytime 基本解释名词昼;白天,日间;昼日daytime 反义词daytime在线翻译名词nighttime daytime 相关例句名词1. 1. Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt f

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